Summer Teaching Tour 2024 / Bolzano Danza and DanceAlps

I’m back in the mountains!

July 15th – July 27th Bolzano Danza Festival

2 weeks of contemporary dance in the weissmann technique and yoga workshops

*Special Group Motion Workshop on Sat. July 27th!


July 30th –August 3rd The Dance Alps Festival

contemporary dance in the weissmann technique and yoga workshops


ON PAUSE — Yoga & Menopause Workshop

ON PAUSE — Yoga & Menopause Workshop with Jessy Layne Tuddenham and Jennifer Mann

Full-day yoga workshop for practitioners in perimenopause, menopause, and beyond! With Jennifer and Jessy. 

SO, 13 OKT 2024 UM 09:30 – 17:30

more info here

Yellow Yoga Retreat 6. – 9.9.2024

September 6th – September 9th

In the deep forest of Odenwald


with colleagues from yellow yoga, Joanna Kupnicka and Sarah Labigne


This weekend is dedicated to deep listening. Not only with your ears, but also developing an awareness of what emerges moment to moment through sight, sound, smell, taste as well as touch inside and outside us. Exploring and rediscovering our relationship to these senses will be the theme of our weekend together.
We will draw on a variety of yoga methods, experiment with sound/voice and incorporate playful movement improvisations. May this retreat be an opportunity to soothe your nervous system, re-balance your energy and refresh your relationship to the world around you.